Specializing in Chip and Seal, Paving Contractor and Commercial Paving

Phone: 479-305-3767


Liquid Asphalt Chip & Seal

Also known as "Tar and Rock", Chip & Seal is an application of a thick layer of tar or liquid asphalt and rock. Most contractors don't "specialize" in this type of work. Stewarts Asphalt Paving and Building specializes in Chip and Seal or Tar and Rock.

We have the knowledge, equipment and the experience!

Call Us Today For Your Free Quote 479.305.3767


As with most drives or new parking lots, a base is installed. We make sure all site preparation is done by grading, or digging out old material. A thick layer of tar is sprayed down in front of the chip spreader, while a dump truck loaded with rocks or "chips" will lock onto a chip spreader and pulled backwards. After the Chip and Seal process is completed it will be rolled and compacted.

Chip and Seal is a LOW COST alternative to asphalt offering a more solid surface than gravel. It has a rough texture until it is fully compatible. There will be loose rocks temporarily. The more you drive on it, there will be less loose rocks. Most county roads are Chip and Seal and all material used is State approved.

There is NO regular maintenance to Chip and Seal. Unlike asphalt it does not need to be sealed. This surface should last any where from 5-10 years. Obviously, in Central Texas it gets very hot in the summer months, so as long as no one spins their tires or drive wrecklessly, it should be fine. In time, when needed we will just add another layer.

DOUBLE CHIP AND SEAL is simply a second layer one applied immediately after one another. We at Stewart's Asphalt Paving and Building may sometime suggest a Double Chip Seal for added durability. If you would like to know more about us or have any questions about our paving services, please give us a call or send us an email... we can’t wait to hear from you!